Find the French version of this article here.
As this year is touching to an end, here are some news about MyTVchain, our progress and our successes!
New subscription feature for OTT platforms
Since December 5th, our OTT customers like the Gym and Cycling federations have a new feature: they can now propose their users a subscription model or micro-payments.
This is good news for both cycling and gym fans, who will be offered more content, as well as for the federations, which will benefit from an additional source of revenue to continue their development.

French Volleyball Champions adopt MyTVChain.
We are very proud to welcome Volero Le Cannet among the users of our webTV Gold service, which continues to seduce clubs.
The club, French Volleyball Champion last season, is now using MyTVchain to film and stream its youth team’s matches, host replays and find new sponsors.
This season, fans can now follow their favorite team at any time on their new webTV!
Bringing such teams closer together with their fans is our mission, and that is a great pleasure to achieve it progressively !

Introducing crew3 : new rewards for the community.
The challenges are back, but this time on Crew3.
On this platform, we can reward active members of our community outside of Discord, for all sorts of actions such as
- understanding MyTVchain’s global vision (MyTVchain Academy)
- using the mytvchain.com portal (section Mytvchain.com)
- join us on social networks and share content (Ambassadors section)
- give your opinion and comments (Feedback section)
- and much more to come.

Every time you complete a quest, you get XP and level up.
With each level, you’ll collect Fan Points: the points you’ll soon earn by watching content on MyTVchain to unlock content and benefits.
We think you should be the first to earn them!
If you’re a Discord challenges’ OG, there’s a surprise waiting for you on crew3.
Head to crew3 to start you journey 🏁
See you in January for a new update. On our side, we are already ready for 2023 !