$MYTV Now on Binance Smart Chain

4 min readFeb 10, 2022

Here is our guide on how to buy, trade, stake and farm $MYTV in one article.


  1. Download METAMASK wallet.
  2. Create a new wallet + secure your wallet (remember to back-up your passphrase)
  3. Setup your wallet to Binance Smart Chain RPC on METAMASK by following this guide
  4. Buy $BNB on Binance or any other Centralized Exchange (CEX) and send it to your public address using a BEP-20 network.


  1. Download Trust Wallet
  2. Create a new wallet + Secure your wallet (back-up your passphrase)
  3. Check how to use TRUST WALLET for Binance Smart Chain
  4. Buy $BNB on Binance or any other Centralized Exchange (CEX) and send it to your public address using the BEP-20 network

($BNB is used to pay for gas fees as $ETH is for ETH network)

✅ Now you’ve got $BNB on your wallet, and you are ready to purchase some $MYTV tokens.

How to BUY $MYTV :

  1. Go to https://pancakeswap.finance/swap and connect your wallet (BSC)
  2. Click on the second pair to import $MYTV
Add a pair

3. Add the $MYTV contract address


and import.

Import the contract address

4. Click on “I UNDERSTAND” and IMPORT the token

Accept the terms

5. Now you can trade peacefully

Trade BNB to MYTV


If the transaction fails, try to increase the slippage tolerance in the settings, as shown below :

Understand that the more you want to invest in one time, the more slippage tolerance you will have to enter.

✅ Now you’ve got $BNB and $MYTV on your wallet, and you are ready to deal with Decentralized Finance on our DASHBOARD :


How to STAKE $MYTV :

  1. Go to the “Staking” section; you’ll face off three packs of staking.

If you need more information about staking, read this article.

  • Choose the one you want to use and fill the amount you wish to stake
  • Click on “Stake” and confirm the transaction
  • Monitor your rewards in “Your dashboard” section

✅ Now you should earn passive income in $MYTV.

How to FARM $MYTV (by providing liquidity) :

Providing liquidity on Decentralized Exchange (DEX) is the process of depositing two assets into a pool.

It allows swapping from one asset to another without a centralized intermediary. Make sure to read more about Impermanent Loss to minimize your risks before going further into farming.

As you have read above, users generally pay a fee to buy and sell from these liquidity pools. These transaction fees are added to pool assets, resulting in a pro-rata distribution to LP shareholders.

Participating in the providing liquidity process requires to:

  • Go to the “Add liquidity” section
  • Choose the two assets you want to provide at a 50–50 ratio (the total value of Asset 1 equals to the total value of Asset 2)
  • You will get a combination of the two assets, which is called “LP tokens”

Liquidity pools are linked to a smart contract you need to “enable” before adding anything.

  • Go to the “Farming” section and ENABLE the contract by confirming the transaction
  • Enter the amount of LP tokens you want to stake
  • Monitor your rewards in “Your dashboard” section

✅ Now you should earn passive income in $MYTV.


MyTVchain is a platform where fans, clubs, and athletes interact with each other directly, participating in live telecasts, challenges, giveaways and a suite of Defi services backed by a platform utility token and an NFT marketplace.

Its ‘Fan2Earn’ model prioritises sports enthusiasts to back their favourites directly while earning rewards from their success.


WEBSITE : https://mytvchain.io/

DISCORD : https://discord.gg/M2GAQQ64Fa

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/MyTVchain

TELEGRAM : https://t.me/mytvchainofficial

MEDIUM : https://mytvchain.medium.com/




Connecting athletes and fans through streaming and blockchain tech. #SportTech